《持攝影機的女人:凱洛盧索帕洛 Carole Roussopoulos, A Woman With Her Camera》
艾曼紐.瑞德瑪登Emmanuelle de RIEDMATTEN
2011|瑞士Switzerland|紀錄片Documentary|Color, B&W|BD|76 min
Carole Roussopoulos (1945-2009), who pioneered light video in France in the early 1970s. Through extracts from her films, archival images, and interviews with family and friends, the itinerary of a fighter who filmed the Women’s Liberation Movement, factory occupations, and early gay rights demands, and who, throughout her life, gave voice to the unknown—to the “voiceless”—participants in social struggles and movements for emancipation.
10/14(一)15:30 華山光點1廳、10/16(三)10:30 華山光點1廳
女性影展, 女性, 影展, 電影, 不公不義, 社運, 解放